The New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition
The NRSV Updated Edition (NRSVue) is informed by the results of discovery and study of hundreds of ancient manuscripts, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, in the more than thirty years since the first publication of the NRSV.
With new textual evidence, historical insights, and philological understandings, the NRSVue brings greater precision in interpreting Scripture today.
With modern scholarship applied to ancient texts, the NRSVue is designed to help readers explore the meanings of ancient texts in light of the cultures that produced them with unprecedented readability, accessibility, and inclusivity.
We are pleased to present what we can in full confidence call the world’s most meticulously researched, rigorously reviewed, and faithfully accurate English-language Bible translation.
Bible Translation and Utilization Committee
The Bible Translation and Utilization Committee (BTU) operates under the direction of the Friendship Press Board of Directors to provide guidance and counsel on matters of content, communication, and direction related to the Bible publishing activities of the NCC.

Rev. Dr. Hugh R. Page Jr., Chair
Professor, University of Notre Dame

M. Kathryn Armistead
Publisher, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church

Julie Mullins
Acquisitions Editor,
Westminster John Knox Press

Rev. Eugen J. Pentiuc
Archbishop Demetrios, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology

Dr. Shively T. J. Smith
Assistant Professor of New Testament, Boston University School of Theology

Dr. Yung Suk Kim
Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, Virginia Union University
Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Editors and Reviewers
General Editors
Ronald Hendel - University of California, Berkeley
Eugene Ulrich - University of Notre Dame
Sidnie White Crawford - University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Robert S. Kawashima - University of Florida
Book Reviewers
Genesis - Ronald Hendel, University of California, Berkeley
Exodus - Brent A. Strawn, Duke University
Leviticus - Sarianna Metso, University of Toronto
Numbers - Nathan Jastram, Concordia University Wisconsin
Deuteronomy - Sidnie White Crawford, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Joshua - Thomas Dozeman, United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio
Judges - Richard D. Nelson, Perkins School of Theology, SMU
Ruth - Sarah Yardney, McCormick Theological Seminary
1-2 Samuel - Jason K. Driesbach, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1-2 Kings - Editorial Committee
1-2 Chronicles - Louis C. Jonker, Stellenbosch University
Ezra and Nehemiah - Deirdre Fulton, Baylor University
Esther - Sarah Yardney, McCormick Theological Seminary
Job and Proverbs - Michael Fox, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Psalms - John Screnock, University of Oxford
Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon - Sarah Yardney, McCormick Theological Seminary
Isaiah - Ronald Troxel, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Jeremiah - Richard D. Weis, Lexington Theological Seminary
Lamentations - Sarah Yardney, McCormick Theological Seminary
Ezekiel - Stephen L. Cook, Virginia Theological Seminary
Daniel - Eugene Ulrich, University of Notre Dame
Minor Prophets - Russell E. Fuller, University of San Diego
Deuterocanon / Apocrypha Editors and Reviewers
General Editor
Judith Newman - Emmanuel College, University of Toronto
Book Reviewers
1 Esdras - Michael F. Bird, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia
2 Esdras - Matthias Henze, Rice University
Tobit - Stuart Weeks, Durham University
Judith - Lawrence Wills, Brown University
Additions to Esther - Cameron Boyd-Taylor, Trinity Western University
Wisdom of Solomon - David Lincicum, University of Notre Dame
Sirach - Benjamin G. Wright III, Lehigh University
Baruch and Letter of Jeremiah - J. Edward Wright, University of Arizona
Additions to Daniel - Ryan Stokes, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
1 Maccabees - Michael Tuval, Hebrew University
2 Maccabees - Robert Doran, Amherst College
Prayer of Manasseh and Psalm 151 - Rodney A. Werline, Barton College
3 Maccabees - Sara Raup Johnson, University of Connecticut
4 Maccabees - David deSilva, Ashland Theological Seminary
New Testament Editors and Reviewers
General Editors
Michael W. Holmes, Bethel University
Jennifer Wright Knust, Duke University
Book Reviewers
Matthew - Mark Goodacre, Duke University
Mark - Adela Yarbro Collins, Yale Divinity School
Luke - David Moessner, Texas Christian University
John - Giovanni Battista Bazzana, Harvard Divinity School
Acts - Eric Barreto, Princeton Theological Seminary
Romans - Robert Matthew Calhoun, Texas Christian University (Fort Worth)
1 Corinthians - Laura Nasrallah, Yale Divinity School
2 Corinthians - Margaret M. Mitchell, Divinity School, The University of Chicago
2 Corinthians - Paul B. Duff, George Washington University
Galatians - Caroline Johnson Hodge, College of the Holy Cross
Ephesians - J. Albert Harrill, Ohio State University
Philippians - Paul A Holloway, University of the South
Colossians and Philemon - Mitzi J. Smith, Ashland Theological Seminary
1-2 Thessalonians - Richard S Ascough, Queens University, Kingston, Canada
1-2 Timothy and Titus - Susan E. Hylen, Candler School of Theology
Hebrews - David deSilva, Ashland Theological Seminary
James - Margaret Aymer, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
1 Peter - Jennifer Glancy, Le Moyne College
2 Peter and Jude - Gene L. Green - Wheaton College and Graduate School
1-3 John - Shively T. J. Smith, Boston University School of Theology
Revelation - Juan Hernández, Jr., Bethel University
Review and Update Coordinating Staff
Bob Buller - Director, SBL Press
Nicole L. Tilford - Production Manager, SBL Press
John F. Kutsko - Former Executive Director, Society of Biblical Literature
George A. Kiraz - Institute for Advanced Study
Abraham Smith - Perkins School of Theology, SMU
Section Review Leaders (on behalf of the NCC)
John Ahn - Howard University School of Divinity
Anna M. V. Bowden - Nazareth College
Amanda Brobst-Renaud - Valparaiso University
LeAnn Snow Flesher - Berkeley School of Theology, GTU
Jin H. Han - New York Theological Seminary
Kristin Helms - Roberts Wesleyan College
Hugh R. Page Jr. - University of Notre Dame
C. K. Robertson - The Episcopal Church / General Theological Seminary
Gilberto A. Ruiz - Saint Anselm College
Philip H. Towner - Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship
Brent A. Strawn - Duke University